Studentų praktika padidina
įsidarbinimo galimybes
prisidėdama prie būsimų aukštos kvalifikacijos darbuotojų parengimo
- qualified apprentices are 15% more employable
- recruits trained in a variety of environments
- recruits innovative and lateral-thinking
Apprenticeships create an ecosystem of highly skilled potential employees in the sector
stiprindama studentų gebėjimą atlikti darbą studijoms pasibaigus
- 96% employers reported “Apprentices were better able to do their job.”
- 92% employers reported “Apprentices were better able to work with others.”
- 85% apprentices said “My ability to do the job had improved.”
Apprenticeships are the first step in one’s career progression.
nes praktikantai dažnai lieka dirbti pas tą patį darbdavį
- 90% of apprentices stay in employment
- 71% of apprentices stay in employment with the same employer
- 78% of the students are retained in the business after the initial placement
Apprentices are the next generation of employees
nes buvę praktikantai greitai daro karjerą įmonėje
- 23% of former apprentices are promoted within the first year of finishing their apprenticeship
- help find real talents and keep abreast of the recruitment marke
- opportunity to test how an apprentice fits into the team before employment
- probably the best probationary period for both the employer and employee
Apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to renew, develop and grow employee teams
ir suteikia papildomos naudos žmogiškųjų išteklių vadybai
- employers report improvements in staff morale
- employers report improved staff retention levels
Apprenticeships give insight into how generations are changing and indicate how to adapt or create new motivation systems.
Studentų praktika padidina
suteikdama naujų kompetencijų MVĮ
- bring the latest “state of the art” technical and scientific knowledge
- combine theoretical knowledge with real world work experience to develop mastery of the field
- enable professional exchange and assure continuous development of staff
Apprenticeships are an efficient form of organizational knowledge management
didindama našumą ir bendrą pajėgumą
- bring thinking ‘out of the box’ and a new perspective to current challenges and issues
- 75% of employers report improved productivity
- companies have reported 420.000,00€ profit from innovations and improvements of processes proposed by apprentices
Apprenticeships can improve efficiency, by bringing innovation and additional resources to process of production
gerindama produktų ir paslaugų kokybę
- 90% of apprentices stay in employment
- 71% of apprentices stay in employment with the same employer
- 78% of the students are retained in the business after the initial placement
Apprentices are the next generation of employees
dažnai fiksuoja bendrą darbdavių pelną mokymui dar nepasibaigus
- estimated positive net gain to employers of on average £1,670 per apprentice in England in 2013/14
- estimated total annual benefit of all apprentices in training of about £1.4 billion to the English economy
When properly managed, an apprenticeship programme turns a direct profit from the value of the work created by the apprentices.
ir skatina ilgalaikį našumą
- competitiveness and profitability are critical for business growth and long-term sustainability
- long-term productivity gains were found to be of £19,900 per year in the engineering & manufacturing sector in the UK
- each apprenticeship created is worth an estimated £38,000 to the economy
Apprenticeships are an investment in long-term business sustainability
Studentų praktika gerina
Jūsų įmonės įvaizdį
kaip vietos, kurioje gera dirbti
- Companies which offer apprenticeships are most strongly associated with being a good place to work
Consumers support companies that demonstrate concern for employee welfare
nes suteikia galimybių jauniems žmonėms
- Companies which offer apprenticeships are strongly associated with providing opportunities for young people
2 out of 3 SMEs say they are seeking to improve community engagement through education initiatives aimed at younger community members
demonstruodama susidomėjimą vietos bendruomene
- consumers agree that offering apprenticeships is a key part of a company’s engaging with, and contributing to, society.
consumers are willing to pay a price premium from knowing that companies are investing in local jobs and skills through apprenticeships.
keldamos asociacijas su aukštos kokybės produktais ir paslaugomis
- 20% of consumers associated companies offering apprenticeships with goods and services of high quality
- 25% of consumers associated companies offering apprenticeships with a friendly service
This can be used in company’s consumer marketing efforts to increase brand awareness.
didina prekės ženklo žinomumą ir pelningumą
- Effective social responsibility gives company
- the power to stand out,
- connect with customers on a level that ensures long-term loyalty,
- potentially even brand advocacy
25% of consumers would be more likely to pay extra for goods and services offered by SMEs employing apprentices.
- National Apprenticeship Service: National Apprenticeship Week 2017 – Toolkit for employers, apprentices and MPs; 2017
- Statistics from the Scottish Modern Apprenticeship (MA) Programme run by the Skills Development Scotland (National Skills Agency). SDS funds 20,000 Modern Apprenticeships per year.
- Cebr: The Benefits of Apprenticeships to Businesses – A report for the Skills Funding Agency, March 2015
- Skupnost-VSS